This is the final trip report from the East Central Trip and after 3,224.4 miles and 436 gallons of diesel fuel I’m 6 states closer to the 50 state highpoint goal. This trip included Spruce Knob WV, Backbone Mountain MD, Mount Davis PA, Campbell Hill OH, Hoosier Hill High Point IN, Taum Sauk Mountain MO. Below is a GPS track of the entire trip with each of the completed highpoints plotted on it and there is an interactive zoomable map located here.

The GPS track of the entire 3,224 mile trip with the 6 state highpoints flagged
The current count is at 39 states, so there are only 11 remaining now. There are 13 months before my 50th birthday so the 50 by 50 goal is on track and I intend to achieve it. The next state will be California’s Mt Whitney which at 14,494′ is the tallest mountain in the lower 48 and is scheduled for next month (November 2015).
Hanging In St. Louis
The only significant thing I did not blog about was our time in St. Louis. We had a great time there and had some cool experiences. I have posted a St. Louis Photo Gallery here and I may create a post about it later.

We had a great spot behind the Casino Queen just across the river from the St Louis Arch
The Backbone Mountain report is posted in its entirety here.
To view a sortable table of all of the highpoints with completion dates, trip reports, photo galleries, blog entries an GPS tracks, visit the US State Highpoint Progress Page.